École des Ponts ParisTech

Build the worlds of tomorrow

Since 1747, École des Ponts ParisTech has been training engineers, future leaders and researchers capable of tackling global challenges and transforming society. École des Ponts ParisTech has developed education programs and excellent research dedicated to the ecological transition. 

The identity of École des Ponts ParisTech 

École des Ponts ParisTech is listed in the best national and international rankings, in which it progresses each year, and has an undisputed national and international reputation.

It trains high-level engineers and future leaders with a scientific and technical profile, who will be called upon to tackle the major challenges the society is facing today and in the future, particularly in the area of ecological transition.

The quality of its multidisciplinary teaching with innovative pedagogies is based on the excellence of its research, its close links with businesses and its partnerships with the world's leading academic institutions.

While civil engineering, environmental engineering and mechanical engineering have historically made up its prestige, the École des Ponts ParisTech today offers excellent courses in varied fields: mathematics, industrial engineering, transportation, economics and finance, mechanics and materials science, cities, energy, etc.

Study engineering at École des Ponts ParisTech

Companies recognize that engineers graduated from École des Ponts ParisTech have both a high scientific level and a sense of concreteness thanks to a teaching balanced between theory and practice. Throughout the training, emphasis is placed on 4 dimensions:

  • An advanced scientific and technical training
  • A project-based and case study-based education 
  • Managerial, human and soft skills
  • A strong international dimension

École des Ponts ParisTech is a generalist school open to several core businesses. It provides its students with strong scientific and technical knowledge and skills in its fields of excellence, including civil engineering, industrial engineering, applied mathematics, mechanics, materials and economics. The program makes the students capable of  understanding and master conceptual, mathematical and numerical modeling approaches, while providing them with the means to criticize them and take a step back: this is one of the pillars of the profession of engineer, researcher or manager.
In addition, the School emphasizes the development of managerial, human and social, cultural and linguistic skills. Engineering training thus aims to put the student in a position to apprehend complex problems.

Other training offers 

The School offers a wide range of excellent training courses.

Initial training:

  • engineering courses;
  • master programmes ;
  • PhD;
  • « master of science®» programme…

Executive education:

  • advanced master programmes (full-time ou part-time) ;
  • MBA (École des Ponts Business School) ;
  • Ponts Formation Conseil (first executive education institution for engineering schools) ;
  • Institut des Hautes Etudes de Développement et d’Aménagement des Territoires en Europe.

Research at École des Ponts ParisTech

École des Ponts ParisTech works to develop research and doctoral studies. Its research activity represents an essential factor of influence and innovation thanks to its 12 excellent laboratories (including 6 labs in partnership with CNRS ) which are internationally recognized.

The research teams develop their research in the fields of applied mathematics, mechanics and materials science, environmental sciences, economics and social sciences.

The research strategy that is developed by the labs coordinated by the Research Department, aims to federate all forces and to mobilize interdsciplinary expertise on four socio-economic key challenges.

  • Urban systems and mobility: to combine urban planning, engineering, life sciences and social sciences in order to develop a sustainable city and inclusive territory associating multimodal and low carbon mobility
  • Risk, resources and milieus management: to tackle the challenge of climate, energy, environmental and financial risks by developing predictive tools and working on remediation.
  • Industry of the future: successfully converge ecological and digital transitions to meet the needs of companies in terms of sustainable production, organization, performance and ability to reconfigure.
  • Economics, practices and society: provide analysis, evaluation and decision support for public policies by integrating the tensions between growth, development, environment and societal impacts

Morevoer, since academic year 2020/2021, the School once again issues its own PhD degree. It has put in place a personalized support system aimed at providing each PhD candidate with all the necessary assets to build his or her skills portfolio with regard to his or her post-doctoral professional project.

The School's commitments 

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the ecological transition is at the heart of the École des Ponts ParisTech project.

The School works closely with students and all staff to listen to their requests, explain its approach and work with them to develop these issues. They are therefore also solicited on these issues at several levels, such as the School's governance bodies, within working groups, as part of a call for national projects, as part of a project to decarbonize the School's buildings, with the Climate Fresk, or even a training course on "climate change: understanding in order to act" open to all the School's staff...

The School has also signed the Grenoble Agreement, which is a pledge by the institution to accelerate its actions and take concrete steps within the campus and its organization...

Furthermore, respect for each individual is at the heart of the School's concerns, whether they be students or staff. It is manifested through two major themes: the implementation of real and measurable gender equality, and the fight against sexist and sexual violence and all forms of discrimination.



Graduate engineering school, center of research and innovation

The ESPCI Paris - PSL is both a major graduate engineering school and an international research center in physics, chemistry and biology in the heart of Paris. It was founded in 1882 by the City of Paris and is a member of the University PSL.

The identity of the school

For 140 years, the ESPCI has been training outstanding research engineers and scientists, aware of their individual, social and environmental responsibilities, through a faculty not limited by disciplinary boundaries.

Its vision: to have an impact on society through transdisciplinary, experiment-based research and teaching, and to contribute every day to a more responsible and sustainable world.
As an engineering graduate school and research center, the ESPCI offers a transdisciplinary education in physics, chemistry and biology, in line with the latest scientific advances, combining theoretical learning and practical work. Thus, it trains unique profiles: engineers of rupture, adaptable and creative, endowed with a solid theoretical and experimental background, conscious of the stakes of society. Its academic staff transmit a culture of innovation based on science, which opens up a wide range of possibilities in France and abroad.

Study engineering at ESPCI Paris - PSL

  • A 3+1 year curriculum; 
  • A high level multi and interdisciplinary teaching in physics, chemistry and biology; 
  • A training by research: half of the time devoted to sessions in labs;
  • A large place for experimental learning: practical work, scientific project...
  • A culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Research and innovation at ESPCI Paris - PSL

Since its creation, the ESPCI has been a world-renowned research center in physics, chemistry and now in biology. Its laboratories, all mixed units with the CNRS, advance fundamental scientific knowledge and lead to applications for society. Through its interdisciplinary and transversal approach to research, the ESPCI promotes the development of innovation and technology transfer.

Its teams transform knowledge from fundamental research into innovations and disruptive technologies to better address major contemporary challenges. The ESPCI Deeptech Incubator supports researchers and entrepreneurs in the creation of start-ups by drawing on the strengths of the school and its ecosystem.

The commitments of the school 

Since its creation, the ESPCI has never ceased to mobilize its strengths and competencies in the service of major societal issues and to defend the importance of science in the service of society. Environment, solidarity, health, access and openness to knowledge are issues that the ESPCI is committed to taking into account in its daily work while contributing to their advancement. The ESPCI defends equal opportunities and promotes social diversity. It encourages and values the commitment of its students, particularly in the form of associations.

Its strength: The dynamism of its students, academic and administrative staff and alumni. The richness of this community is the crucible of its excellence and attractiveness in France and abroad.

Mines Paris - PSL

Theory and Practice

235 years of history, always at the forefront of technological advances, modernity and heritage are an integral part of the identity and durability of Mines Paris - PSL.

Joining PSL University from 2012, our school offers graduate and post-graduate education programs to 1700 students, holds 18 research centers and is ranked # 1 institute for research partnerships, a unique link with

  • Excellence training 

190 civil engineers graduated per year and 28 specialized engineers recruited

230 graduates from 19 specialized Masters (including 2 created in 2018)

15 engineers from the Corps des mines

80 new doctoral graduates per year

150 trainees in continuing education

  • A school in symbiosis with the corporate world 

More than 23 million euros in research contracts per year (in partnership with ARMINES, Fondation Mines ParisTech ...)

1st French engineering school for the volume of contractual research

760 research contracts per year

200 industrial partners representing ¾ direct contracts

25 teaching and research chairs

20 companies created thanks to the School over the past 5 years:

Spotistic, Expliseat, 1Year 1Book, Nest for All, Weezic ...

311 patents and software

7 million euros in software industrialization and marketing activity,

made by Transvalor

  • A top research school 

2 Nobel Prize winners trained at the School (28 with PSL and 10 Fields Medals)

Maurice Allais (economics, 1988) and Georges Charpak (physics, 1992)

232 teacher-researchers

18 research centers, at the cutting edge in their field

80 theses defended per year

440 A-rank articles or books published each year

Creation of new disciplines: geostatistics, mathematical morphology, flat systems ...

  • Open to the world 

120 partner universities on 5 continents

30 double-degree agreements

35% of students of international students

52 nationalities represented

15% of teacher-researchers recruited internationally

20% of research contracts carried out with a foreign partner

Numerous research partnerships with French or foreign organizations:

CNRS, Institut Mines-Télécom, ParisTech, Inria, MIT, CalTech ...

Institut d’Optique Graduate School

Founded in 1917 as Institut d'Optique Théorique et Appliquée, and also known under the nickname "SupOptique", Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS) is a leading Grande École in the field of Optical science and engineering and Photonics. Its international reputation is based on the quality of education it provides, on the significant scientific contributions of its research centres and on its close links with companies.  

Institut d’Optique Graduate School, based on the Paris-Saclay campus, with branch campuses in Saint-Etienne and Bordeaux, is one of the most comprehensive educational centres in optics at graduate level (MScEng, MSc and PhD), in terms of the number of graduates, firms created and by the extent of its training.

Institut d'Optique Graduate School also incorporates successful laboratories with an international reputation, the Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF) in Paris-Saclay, the Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) in Bordeaux, and is a major actor in Laboratoire Hubert Curien (LHC) in Saint-Etienne, which cover the different fields of optics from A to Z , from the most fundamental (quantum optics) to the more applied (specific optical components).  

The institute hosts its own innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem ("le 503") in Photonics, enabling its students to develop their ideas and create new companies, with the help of hosted start-ups as mentors. Photonics is a booming industry, with high prospects of development in the coming years.

Find alumni’s testimonials here

Chimie ParisTech - PSL

Chemistry to innovate and build the world of tomorrow

Chimie ParisTech - PSL provides an original and complete education, from bachelor’s to doctorate degrees, while conducting cutting-edge research covering the entire spectrum of chemistry. The school trains innovative general chemical engineers who are committed to the major challenges facing society today.

The school’s identity

Since its creation, Chimie ParisTech - PSL has endeavored to improve the industry in France in two ways. First, by training excellent engineers and being a breeding ground for business talent. Secondly, by conducting cutting-edge research on all aspects of chemistry, from basic research to applied research. Chimie ParisTech - PSL’s program is excellent, original and complete, with a balance of skills between scientific disciplines, entrepreneurship and management. Collaborating with the leading research companies and organizations, it is home to laboratories that conduct cutting-edge research, especially in the fields of energy, materials, industrial processes and health.

Chimie ParisTech - PSL engineering program 

Chimie ParisTech - PSL aims to train high-level general engineers with a solid training in the field of chemistry and its interfaces. During their studies, Chimie ParisTech - PSL’s engineering students will acquire solid scientific and technical knowledge by interacting with both the academic world and the industry.They learn to use their knowledge and apply it throughout complex problems. They reinforce their relational and managerial skills and develop a broad multicultural openness. As soon as they graduate, Chimie ParisTech - PSL students easily integrate into the world of business or academic research on a national and international scale. The Chimie ParisTech - PSL engineering program takes into account the problems that students will face in their future job in order to “build” professionals who will come to hold important positions as their careers progress.

Others education programs 

  • Master programs managed Chimie ParisTech – PSL :  Master Chimie Paris Centre (Sorbonne Université, PSL), Master Science et Génie des Matériaux (PSL), Master Integrative Chemistry & Innovation (PSL), Master of Nuclear Energy (coaccredidation with Université Paris- Saclay) - fuel cycle.
  • PSL's master programs of PSL Chimie ParisTech participates in: Master BME, Master Energy, Master Physics 
  • PhD

Research at Chimie ParisTech - PSL 

Its founder, Charles Friedel, wanted future chemical entrepreneurs to be trained in contact with research while in college. Chimie ParisTech therefore hosts a research center that is active and recognized. Their fields range from the chemistry and physical chemistry of materials and surfaces, to process engineering, molecular chemistry, biochemistry, physico-chemical solutions, analytical sciences and modeling.Conscious of having to avoid any dispersion in a context of strong international competition, the school has focused its areas of activity on the sectors of energy, functional materials, in-silico design, medicinal chemistry and chemistry for the living. Chimie ParisTech also aims to highlight the strong technological aspect of its activities, which represents a major asset for education. The school has around one hundred permanent researchers and teacher researchers across its 3 laboratories, about a third of which are members of the CNRS.


Today’s world faces several key challenges: health, the environment and energy. Chemistry is the central discipline among the sciences of matter. As such, it plays a key innovative role in these areas and contributes significantly to the scientific, technological and societal progress of the future.This societal approach through chemistry remains a tool of choice to solve a wide range of problems. Such examples include the design and preparation of new therapeutic molecules, eco-compatible industrial production processes, tools for the control of energy sources as alternatives to fossil fuels, and quantum information processing. In this context, Chimie ParisTech - PSL wants to develop an approach that will improve the understanding of future students and the general public of chemistry, its contributions and its professions.

Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology

Talent booster for industry of the future

Arts et Métiers has been a leading graduate engineering school since 1780. Through its training offer and research partnerships, it strives to meet the constantly evolving challenges of industry and society.

The school’s identity

Arts et Métiers was founded on the ideas of the Enlightenment, a movement that inspired the Duke of Liancourt, the school's founder: "To combine the skill of the hand with the intelligence of knowledge" was the school's vocation.

Arts et Métiers trains 6,000 students each year. Through its different curricula, its 15 laboratories and its research partnerships, the school is a socio-economic player at the service of the regions.

With eight campuses and three institutes in France, it is exceptionally close to industry. This unique positioning enables us to align the content of our programs as closely as possible with the needs of businesses. This ambition is supported by its international outreach (170 partner graduate schools and universities abroad).


Engineering at Arts et Métiers

The engineer graduated from Arts et Métiers will be able to design products and systems that respect the environment, but also to control an industrial organization by controlling risks and costs.  

Theory combined with practice will enable the development of skills in:

  • Technical and technological skills (fluid mechanics, mathematics-computing, electronics, materials science, solid mechanics, electronics, design, dimensioning, manufacturing);
  • Human or soft skills, particularly thanks to the student life activities which allow him to develop useful skills in companies: project development, management, fundraising, adaptability, creativity, prevention plan...


Training offer

Arts et Métiers offers a range of initial and executive education programs from undergraduate to doctoral level. Its education programs are adapted to the needs of industry and are constantly evolving.

In addition to its Grande Ecole program (graduate engineer), the school offers ten engineering programs for specialty engineers (in apprenticeship), a Bachelor of Technology (duration : 3 years), as well as some 20 master programs dedicated to research, 14 advanced masters and a doctoral program.


Research at Arts et Métiers

With 15 laboratories located on its campuses, Arts et Métiers is developing cutting-edge research in three areas: "life cycle digitization", "sustainable and low-carbon engineering" and "materials, structures and intelligent systems".

The institution has a research showcase subsidiary (AMVALOR) and is the head of the Carnot ARTS Institute, which brings together 23 research and innovation laboratories.

It is also a member of EIT Manufacturing and has six research chairs in health, environment, clean mobility and intelligent industrial systems.


The commitments of the school

Arts et Métiers is a public school committed to community life. The school's history is marked by a strong social and humanistic stance, which continues today with awareness raising actions and support for student initiatives.

With low tuition fees, student accomodations and scholarship programs, the school tries to remove social and geographical barriers.

Through its promotional activities, it raises awareness of science and engineering  among young people, especially girls.

Student life is organized around civic actions and humanitarian projects on site.

Sustainable development is a major issue for the school, which strives to raise awareness among its students and to offer training adapted to the transitions.



Talents of a sustainable planet

AgroParisTech is the National Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries, under the supervision of the ministries in charge of agriculture and higher education. A player in higher education and research, this major international benchmark establishment addresses the major challenges of the 21st century: understanding and fighting against global change, the need to preserve resources and integrate the bioeconomy, reduction of territorial inequalities , access to health and sustainable food for all.

The establishment trains its students based on research and its links with professional circles in the field of life and the environment. It offers an engineering course, a master's degree and doctoral training in partnership with major French and foreign universities, as well as a range of continuing professional training under the “AgroParisTech Executive” brand.

AgroParisTech is a founding member of Paris-Saclay University, a member of the ParisTech network and a member of Agreenium.