RACINE workshop


Training of trainers

RACINE (Réseau d'accompagnement et d'innovation dans l'enseignement de ParisTech)

RACINE is ParisTech's network for support and innovation in teaching. It implements a training program for academic staff to enrich their teaching practices.

Since 2009, the ParisTech schools have been proposing a reflection and carrying out joint actions on training.

A study of the needs of academic staff in schools has made it possible to take into account their expectations of being trained in pedagogical methods by offering workshops on a regular basis (from 1/2 day to 1 day).

The program is built by persons who have been involved for a long time in teacher training, pedagogical innovation and its support within the schools. The group in charge of steering the program is made up of academic staff and experts in pedagogy from ParisTech schools, in collaboration with networks active in pedagogy in higher education, such as the PENSERA network.

This training program is part of a process of professionalization of academic staff and quality in training. It allows the schools' resources to be pooled in order to train academic staff in pedagogy and to share a common culture for effective teaching. Some academic staff from other schools, not members of ParisTech, can also benefit from this training.


A wide variety of topics are offered to teachers such as:

  • design and use MCQs
  • integrate a flipped classroom in teaching
  • create and use an educational video capsule
  • how to make students active
  • design an educational website
  • communication in lectures
  • student work in groups
  • criteria grids for oral evaluation in experimental situations


 All ParisTech schools are members of RACINE. Télécom Paris is also member of the network.

The RACINE program benefits in 2021/2022 from the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in the framework of the call for projects "Training of teachers in digital technology".


Download the training program 2024/2025




Read the article "Dix ans de coopération pour former à la pédagogie dans le réseau ParisTech" (QPES 2019) [10 years cooperation to train ParisTech network in pedagogy]

Read the article "Agir en réseau pour développer ses acteurs de la pédagogie" (AIPU 2022) [Work within a network to train the academic staff in pedagogy]

Watch the video