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Students at Chimie ParisTech


Mobility scholarship

The ParisTech International Admission Program and double degree programs implemented by ParisTech with its international academic partners are accompanied by the implementation of an active policy of supporting the mobility of concerned students throughout each of the seven schools.

In Latin America: bursaries awarded by the schools as part of the international mobility FITEC programs (Brafitec, Arfitec, Mexfitec...) of the Cdéfi and the AGRI programmes (BRAFAGRI, ARFAGRI).

In China: Scholarships of the China Scholarship Council within the frame of the 9+9 programme, double degrees;

In Indiaco-financed scholarships offered by the French Embassy in India and ParisTech schools

In Kenya, Erasmus+ scholarships are available for students from University of Nairobi admitted in "cycle d'ingénieur" (ParisTech International Admission Program).

In all countries:

  • Applications submitted by ParisTech schools to the Eiffel French government bursaries (applications managed by ParisTech schools);
  • Scholarships awarded by the French embassy in your home country;Support provided by the foundations of the ParisTech schools:
  Fondation Alumni
AgroParisTech Fondation AgroParisTech AgroParisTech Alumni
Arts et Métiers Fondation Arts et métiers Arts et métiers Alumni
Chimie ParisTech - PSL   Chimie ParisTech Alumni
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Fondation des Ponts Ponts Alumni
ESPCI Paris - PSL   ESPCI Alumni
Institut d'Optique   Association des Anciens de SupOptique
Mines Paris - PSL Fondation Mines PARIS Mines PARIS Alumni


Traineeships are paid in France. You may have the opportunity to pursue your academic studies while also working at a private company or a public-sector institution during one or two years (apprenticeship).