Bogota Museum of Gold



ParisTech has privileged partnerships with prestigious Colombian universities. In this regard, ParisTech reinforces its international relations in Latin America.

ParisTech has developed solid partnerships with several Colombian universities.

In 2015, ParisTech has opened in Columbia a international admission programme intended to Colombian students who wish to enroll in one of the ParisTech Grande Ecole, known for their academic excellence and openness to the international environment.

ParisTech would like to :

  • Increase the number of Colombian students in ParisTech’s schools
  • Enhance student mobility from France to Colombia
  • Reinforce S&T cooperation

ParisTech participated in 2018 to the « Engineering week » in Bogota and Carthagena.

ParisTech organised in 2018 the first alumni meeting at the residence of the French embassador and would like to develop this network.


More information about the ParisTech International Admission Program