Rio de Janeiro



ParisTech schools develop academic and research partnerships in Brazil since some decades.

ParisTech has been exploring partnership opportunities with Brazil since 2002. The quality of its higher education, its economic influence and the presence of a lot of French companies had made Brazil a partner of major interest. Companies in both countries were keen to recruit engineers who were bicultural and trained within the framework of partnerships between high-level institutions.


In Brazil, ParisTech maintains active partnership relations with the leading Brazilian universities in the education of students in science and engineering and researchers. 

The framework agreements with these partners include the possibility of double degrees and of joint PhD supervision in a broad range of engineering fields, including chemistry, environment, agricultural science and forestry, food engineering.

See the partnerships

ParisTech International Admission Program

ParisTech has opened the ParisTech International Admission Program to Brazilian partner universities in 2006. 

The developed actions relie on the bilateral BRAFITEC and BRAFAGRI programmes for students in engineering, funded by the Brazilian and French ministries.

ParisTech Office in Brazil

ParisTech maintains its network in Brazil with support of Florian Pradelle, lecturer at PUC-Rio and alumnus of Chimie ParisTech - PSL.

BRAFITEC and BRAFAGRI scholarships

Workshop BRAFITEC ParisTech - UFSCar / UFMG / PUC-Rio "Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy", 16 May 2023