International double degrees


International double degrees

ParisTech schools have set up framework agreements with several renowned universities that organize student mobility, with or without a degree, and relations between teachers and researchers, with the faculties or departments interested in these exchanges. More generally, these agreements make it possible to strengthen relations in the areas of training and research.

One of the priorities of ParisTech's international activities is to develop double degree programmes between one or more ParisTech schools and the faculties and departments of partner universities.

Priority areas are those identified for the ParisTech International Admission Program:

  • Latin America with Argentina, Brazil, Colombia…
  • China in Asia
  • Russia in Europe

The modalties of the double degree programs that are shared by ParisTech schools and the relevant faculties/departments of the partner universities are defined by the framework agreements and specified by specific agreements between the Paris Tech schools and the partner university's department/faculty to meet their own objectives.

The double degree programs provide French and international students with a high-level scientific and technical education that benefits from the strengths of the academic partners, as well as language skills and the ability to adapt to different cultural environments, through a long-term stay in each of the two countries concerned.

Students obtain Master's level degrees from both academic partners. This experience is valued by companies that are looking for high-potential engineers with bicultural experience to contribute to the implementation of their international development strategy.

International students can also benefit from the mobility scholarships put in place by the schools to facilitate their stay in France.