
@Fethi Bedioui Chimie ParisTech


Present in China for over 20 years, ParisTech has developed numerous partnerships, projects and recruitment programs there.

Committed to promoting the excellence of French engineering training, and research within its schools, ParisTech:

  • Establishes partnerships with the best Chinese universities, and ensures a link with its institutional and industrial partners as well as with alumni;
  • Recruits Chinese students for the engineering training provided by its schools, as well as doctoral students.
  • Promotes actions carried out by all of its schools.

ParisTech Asia

ParisTech is present in Shanghai.

Academic partnerships

Since 2000, ParisTech has developed partnerships with 14 of the best Chinese universities in

Since 2008, ParisTech schools have set up double degree agreements (French engineering degree / Chinese master's degree) with universities top-ranked in their disciplines of excellence. The momentum has intensified in recent years, as 12 of the 29 double degree agreements were signed after 2015. 182 Chinese students have been accepted into double degrees programs so far.

Beyond engineering training, several advanced master double degree programs have been set up by our schools, in partnership with Chinese universities:

MBA and DBA were also developed:

The 9+9 Program

ParisTech's International Admission Program, called the “9 + 9” Program in China, was launched in 2000 with 9 of its historical partner universities. Expanded to 12 partner universities in 2011, the program is now open to applicants from all Chinese universities. Each year, this program allows top bachelor students to apply simultaneously to 6 of the ParisTech schools, for admission to the second year of their engineering degrees.

Between 30 and 60 benke (bachelor) students are admitted through this program each year. Over the past 20 years, more than 1,200 Chinese students have obtained an engineering degree from one of the ParisTech schools.

Learn more about the “9+9” Program

Discover the testimonials of international students (including Chinese students) admitted through ParisTech's International Admission Program

China Scholarship Council (CSC)

  • Scholarships for Chinese students (engineering degree)

ParisTech has been cooperating with the CSC for more than 20 years within the framework of the “9 + 9” program. Each year, this cooperation allows around 50 Chinese students admitted through the "9 + 9" program or a double degree program to benefit from a CSC scholarship during their two years of study in France.

Discover the 9 + 9 CSC - ParisTech scholarship program

  • Scholarships for Chinese PhD candidates

In 2011, an agreement was signed to create a doctoral program allowing Chinese master's students, or candidates currently working, to pursue a PhD in one of ParisTech schools’ laboratories, with funding from the CSC. This program is very successful: since its opening, more than 160 PhD candidates have joined a ParisTech school laboratory.

Discover the ParisTech – CSC doctoral program

Study in China

ParisTech's partner universities offer also study programs for international students including students in engineering from ParisTech's schools (exchange semester, summer school...).  proposent également des programmes pour les étudiants étrangers dont les élèves-ingénieurs des écoles du réseau ParisTech. (semestre d'échange, école d'été...).

Apply for a visa to China:

Dates clés

2000 : Ouverture du bureau chinois de ParisTech, au sein du Centre Franco-Chinois de l’université Tongji, à Shanghai.

Lancement du programme « 9+9 », recrutement de la première promotion d’élèves chinois, début de la coopération avec le CSC pour financer des bourses en cycle ingénieur

2010 : ParisTech et l’Université Huazhong des Sciences et Technologies (HUST) remportent un appel d’offres de la Commission européenne pour la création de l’Institut sino-européen pour les énergies propres et renouvelables (ICARE) à Wuhan. ICARE est aujourd’hui un programme de Mines Paris – PSL.

2011 : ParisTech et le China Scholarship Council (CSC) signent un accord pour créer un programme doctoral en France.

2012 : ParisTech ouvre, conjointement avec l’université de Shanghai Jiao Tong (SJTU), une école inspirée du modèle des Grandes Ecoles françaises.  Accrédité par la CTI, SPEIT délivre les grades de Bachelor et de Master de l’Université Jiao Tong de Shanghai, ainsi que le titre d’ingénieur diplômé. Mnes Paris – PSL reste impliqué dans le projet.

2015 : ParisTech et le China Scholarship Council formalisent leur coopération dans le cadre du programme « 9+9 » par la signature d’un accord. Celui-ci est renouvelé en 2020.

2017 : Chimie Pékin, 3ème Institut Franco-Chinois piloté par une école de   ParisTech, ouvre ses portes. Chimie ParisTech - PSL assure la coordination de cet Institut qui associe plusieurs écoles de la Fédération Gay-Lussac et Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT).