Students at École des Ponts ParisTech

©Hermine Cleret

Signature for renewal of the Chair Urban Mining


Teaching and research chairs

What is a chair?

The chairs developed by ParisTech and its member Grandes Écoles represent fields of expertise in teaching and research on specific topics in partnership with a company. These chairs make it possible to combine research activities at the highest level of excellence and the dissemination of knowledge among students.

The teaching and research chairs combine the lecturers-researchers with about a hundred industry partners. They create a connection between the Grandes Écoles, the partner universities, and major research organisations.

The multi-disciplinary chairs

ParisTech relies on the wide range of skills covered by its Grandes Écoles to develop projects which bring a multi-disciplinary approach to environmental and social issues:

  • The Chair BiomeCAM Innovation et Handicap , since late 2010, brings together Arts et Métiers Paris, ESPCI Paris - PSL and Mines Paris - PSL in partnership with the Ecole Polytechnique. It receives the support of the Société Générale, the Fondation Cotrel, the company Proteor and the insurance consortium COVEA. It works around three lines of strategy: Clinical innovation in orthopaedics (medical sector); Comfort and safety (transport sector) ; Sport and health (sports sector)
  • The Urban mining Chair has associated Arts et Métiers Paris, Chimie ParisTech - PSL and Mines Paris - PSL since 2014. It is supported by ecosystem. Three themes of research are prioritized: the optimization of the strategic metals recycling industry; the sorting, compatibility and rehabilitation of plastics recycling; the development of new models for the circular economy.

The Eco-design of buildings and infrastructures Chair (since 2008) that brings together AgroParisTech, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and Mines Paris - PSL and is supported by Vinci became the Lab Research Environment Vinci ParisTech in 2019. 

The schools of ParisTech also developed like

  • The Modeling for Sustainable Development Chair (MPDD) since 2008, brings together AgroParisTech, the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and Mines Paris - PSL, with funding from EDF, GRTgaz, Schneider Electric, the ADEME and the Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire.
  • The “Water For All” Chair – Management and development of urban potable water and network purification services founded in partnership with Suez Environnement and implemented by AgroParisTech and MINES ParisTech - PSL
  • The Chaire Durabilité des matériaux et des structures pour l’énergie between the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and Mines Paris - PSL, with the support of the European Foundation for Tomorrow’s Energies, EDF, Engie, and GRT Gaz.
  • The Chaire Durabilité des élastomères et des polymères (DEEP) has since December 2016 brought together the Hutchinson company, Mines Paris - PSL and ESPCI Paris - PSL
  • The Industrial Chair of Engineering and Frugal Innovations (I3F) bringing together AgroParisTech, the Institut d’Optique in partnership with Télécom Paris and the Fondation Carrefour.

The chairs of the ParisTech schools

Lastly, the schools have individually rolled out a vast network of teaching and research chairs, with the financial support of a hundred partner businesses.

The Grandes Écoles have expanded an extensive network of teaching and research chairs with the financial support of about a hundred partner companies.

See more on Grandes Écoles ParisTech websites :