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©Xu Yangxinyue

Publication date : 18/06/2024
International cooperation

XU Yangxinyue, a Chinese student at Chimie ParisTech – PSL

XU Yangxinyue studied at bachelor level at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) before joining the engineering program of Chimie ParisTech in the second year.

Could you introduce yourself?

I am Yangxinyue XU, currently a third-year student at Chimie ParisTech. In my second year, I chosed the materials specialization, and in my third year, I chosed the energy specialization.

What do you prefer at your school?

I highly value the 2 internship opportunities that Chimie ParisTech offers students, which was also a key reason for my application to Chimie ParisTech. This allows me to adjust my course selection and career direction in my third year based on the experience gained from my second-year internship. Moreover, it enables me to graduate with work experience, ensuring that I am not completely unfamiliar with the professional environment.

How does your school help you towards the job market?

I participated in several career development events organized by Chimie, and I highly recommend those that facilitate our interactions with alumni. The alumni are very friendly, willing to share their experiences and help current students find internships or job opportunities. I found my first internship through an alumni recommendation. At present, I hope to start working directly after completing my studies.

Tell us about one of your internship experience.

I interned and worked as an apprentice at a same big French company, and I highly recommend prioritizing internships at large companies or laboratories. Not only do these provide excellent platforms, but they also allow you to learn about and understand the company's structure and operations. Additionally, you can meet and learn from experienced colleagues and mentors, which is highly beneficial for your future career development.

Describe your school in three words.


What’s the most important thing you have learned by studying abroad?

Be yourself and fully immerse yourself in your school.

What would you say to a student hesitating to apply to ParisTech?

Don't hesitate, ParisTech is a choice you won't regret.


More information about the ParisTech International Admission Program in China

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