Publication date : 25/03/2019
Life at ParisTech

Social mix, equality between women and men, disability, a review point of diversity in ParisTech’s schools

Within the Diversity Commission, ParisTech schools get together to consider possible ways of addressing these complex issues. For example, news of the Weinstein case and the events surrounding it, the movements focused on sexual harassment and violence against women, have prompted us to question with greater intensity our attitudes regarding the issue of gender equality, where we had been focusing more on social diversity.  

Read the interview with Yves Poilane, Chairman of ParisTech’s Diversity Commission, director of Télécom ParisTech; Bénédicte Humbert, director of the Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak; Yvon Gaignebet, person in charge of Mines ParisTech’s Cordées de la réussite (“Climbing Ropes for Success”)


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