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Guadalupe Vazquez Alvarez


Publication date : 05/07/2024
International cooperation

Meet Guadalupe, a student from Buenos Aires at Chimie ParisTech - PSL

Guadalupe Vazquez Alvarez was student at University of Buenos Aires. She was admitted at Chimie ParisTech – PSL in the frame of the ParisTech International Admission Program. She got an ARFITEC scholarship.


Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Guadalupe Vazquez Alvarez, I am an Argentinian student in the Double Diploma program at Chimie Paris Tech, where I am doing a specialization in process engineering and energy. My home university is the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires.

What do you like best at Chimie ParisTech?

What I like most about Chimie ParisTech is the possibility to explore different fields of study and to be able to expand in what interests you the most, especially in the third year. This allows you to direct your career according to your professional desires. As in my case, I have chosen to specialize in energy and to complement it with process subjects.

How do you take advantage of the school’s close links to businesses?

The school's close links with companies allows students to make a simple and organic transition to professional life, as well as facilitates the exploration of different professional possibilities from research to business life. In addition, the school has spaces to work on future professional projects and job placement, which I personally found key to approach the French working culture.

Describe your experience in research

Throughout the past two years I have been able to work on different projects in the school laboratories, which are equipped with high-level technology. Personally, the innovation project has given me the possibility to get closer to research and explore its stages. This has positively complemented my experience at my home university in Argentina.

Tell us about one of your internships

I have done two internships, one of them was 5 months in my 2nd year and the other was a year-long apprenticeship during my 3rd year. These working opportunities allowed me to develop applied skills in process engineering as well as improve my soft skills, especially by working in a language different from my mother tongue. I found that these enriching experiences have allowed me to explore the professional life in the field of process engineering where I wish to continue my career.

Describe your school in three words

Innovation - Critical Spirit - Professionalism

Tell us about a day at school

At Chimie ParisTech the day usually starts at 8:30 a.m. and lasts until 4:45 p.m., and up to 4 subjects can be taken in one day. They can alternate between theoretical classes, practical classes, expositions of specialists or laboratory work. The schedules and arrangement of classes during the week change from one week to the next, so the rhythm is very dynamic.

What is student life like at your school?  

I found the student life at Chimie very comprehensive, offering a wide range of activities for all preferences. In my case, I participated in some sports activities through the BDS.

What is the most important thing you learned while studying abroad?

I think the most important thing I learned is the ability to adapt to another domains of study different from my own. I took advantage of the many tools offered by the school to make this transition, such as the welcome devices, language classes and conversation courses with French-speaking students.

What would you say to a student who hesitates to apply to ParisTech?

I would really encourage students who are thinking about applying to Chimie to do so. In my opinion, it is an experience that has enriched my student journey. Looking back, the experience has given me only positive things for my future. I am very proud to be part of Chimie ParisTech!

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