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Publication date : 28/04/2021
International cooperation

Laura Tierling, new coordinator of the ATHENS network

Laura Tierling has just taken office at MINES ParisTech – PSL where, as European partnerships manager, she coordinates not only the ATHENS network and the Erasmus+ strategic partnership "IDEAL" dedicated to PhD training, but will also contribute to the development of the European University EELISA and to the setting up of new double degree programs in Europe.

- You have just arrived at MINES ParisTech – PSL, what is your experience in international cooperation?

My experience in international cooperation started with an internship at the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) in Paris. I was in charge of a programme for both students and PhD candidates who applied for a scholarship for a language course in Germany, and I discovered the close cooperation of Germany and France in the field of higher education. Afterwards, I joined the department « formation » of the Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFACI). I was in charge of several different projects whose aim was to foster dual trainings of the French and German youth and exchanges of schools and companies of both countries. Before my arrival at MINES ParisTech, I worked at the international admissions department at INSEEC U.

- You will be in charge of European partnerships at MINES ParisTech – PSL, what motivates you in this position ?

When I was still a student, I had the chance to participate in several programmes that allowed me to visit other countries, exchange with locals and discover other cultures and languages. So I have experienced firsthand the many benefits from international exchanges both for personal and professional development, and I am happy to work in a field where I can make this happen for others.

Apart from this, working in an international environment is very interesting and challenging in the same time. Cooperating with people from all over Europe makes you discover different ways of thinking and working, which I find truly enriching. There is a dynamic ambiance that I did not see elsewhere.

- You are discovering ATHENS, IDEAL and EELISA that were initiated by ParisTech. What do you think about these programmes ?

These programmes offer students and PhD candidates the possibility to obtain transversal competences in a multicultural context and to enrich their studies while discovering Europe and its people. They represent excellent opportunities to experience what it means to be European, and the advantages and opportunities that come with the close links between the European countries.

Moreover, the implementation of these programmes is going to strengthen the European higher education system, for example by defining a global model of the European Engineer and by fostering the mobility of even more students and staff of higher educational institutions. These kinds of exchanges are beneficial not only to students and administrative staff, but to researchers, professionals, teachers and society as a whole.

- How do you consider your work in these different programmes in the next months?

The first step is to gather as much information as possible about the programmes, and to create a link with all the involved members of ParisTech, PSL and the international partners in order to maintain their good conduction, regardless the difficult sanitary situation.

In the medium term, it would be nice to develop even more partnerships and exchanges in Europe, to include more universities from different countries. This way, we can be sure that our students can realize their study projects in a divers and high-qualified environment.

There is no doubt that the next months are going to be very interesting, and I am looking forward to discover what is about to come.

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