

Publication date : 10/02/2021
International cooperation

EELISA innCORE : An Innovation and Research Strategy

On Nov 10th, the EELISA alliance submitted a proposal entitled EELISA innoCORE (EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch Strategy) in response to the specific call of the topic “Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities” (Horizon 2020 – Science with and for Society program).

All the members of the EELISA alliance will participate in the coordinated action EELISA innoCORE (EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch Strategy). EELISA innoCORE pursues an unprecedented level of cooperation between our institutions initiated with the Erasmus + call. This time the focus is on the Research and Innovation area of our Higher Education Institutions.

In line with the spirit of European policies on Research, Innovation and Education, EELISA innoCORE takes three steps to transform the R & I dimension of the alliance:

  • Make our researchers and innovators know each other. The alliance will take advantage of the spaces for dialogue between academics, citizens and industry that are created within the EELISA communities. Our goal is to allow our researchers and innovators to achieve a systemic transformation of the world through scientific and technological solutions. To support them in this ambitious endeavor, EELISA innoCORE will provide them with a portfolio of shared scientific infrastructures (the EELISA Multi-Labs) and a new networking platform that will give them access to the common research strategies of the alliance.
  • Foster and support the development of specific joint R & I actions, as well as the creation of new structures (research groups, clusters, joint labs, start-ups, technological parks). Once our researchers and innovators decide to collaborate, EELISA innoCORE will support them in the creation of transnational structures and fundraising from private and public sources.
  • Optimize the outreach of R & I actions, maximizing their impact and promoting the knowledge exchange.


In parallel to these steps, EELISA innoCORE will work on a common strategy on Open Science, the partners will assess the costs and benefits of actions, they will communicate the project and will deploy plans to promote gender equality and diversity (across institutions, countries, regions, disciplines, and people) as well as to foster citizen science.

The outcomes of EELISA innoCORE will be available to other HEIs, alliances and policy makers, in order to establish successful models of collaboration in research and innovation and contribute to the consolidation and enhancement of the European Research Area.


Prof. Ignacio González Tejada, R & I Coordinator for EELISA InnoCORE (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)



This article was first published on EELISA website.


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