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@ParisTech China

Publication date : 14/04/2020

COVID-19 Messages de soutien des universités chinoises à ParisTech

Le confinement, la fermeture des écoles, des universités et des frontières, en nous obligeant à redéfinir la façon dont nous travaillons et tissons des liens, nous rapprochent paradoxalement de nos partenaires et amis. Il y a deux mois, nous exprimions notre soutien à nos partenaires chinois, alors confrontés à l’épidémie de COVID-19. Ces derniers nous ont à leur tour exprimé le leur dès le début de la crise en France, par des lettres envoyées à M. Christian Lerminiaux, président de ParisTech. Nous tenons à les remercier de leur amitié et solidarité.

Retours d’expérience, innovations pédagogiques, soutiens mutuels aux étudiants et personnels, recherche : la lutte contre la pandémie appelle à des coopérations renforcées. Tous nos partenaires le soulignent dans leurs lettres. Présent en Chine depuis plus de vingt ans, ParisTech y compte des partenaires de longue date, avec lesquels de nombreuses coopérations ont été développées : recrutement en cycle ingénieur ou doctorat, doubles diplômes, recherche, instituts franco-chinois. Plus que jamais nous sommes donc dépendants les uns des autres pour assurer la sécurité de nos étudiants, de nos personnels, et garantir le maintien de ces coopérations dans de bonnes conditions malgré les circonstances.

Tous comme eux, nous espérons que cette crise sera bientôt derrière nous, et que nous pourrons alors nous revoir, renfoncer nos coopérations, développer de nouveaux projets.

“We are standing in solidarity with the people and university partners which might also suffer from this epidemic. […]ParisTech is one of the most important partners of CAU. Difficult times call for bilateral support between friends. We are ready to provide any assistants to jointly work through this tough situation. We extend our best wishes for good health to you and your university community.”

Prof. SUN Qixin, Président, China Agricultural University

“We know exactly what you are suffering now and would like to share with you our confidence that the current pandemic can be mitigated and eventually controlled with right measures, concerted efforts, and more importantly, global collaboration. We have faith that as the world heeds from this crisis, remedy shall soon be devised. And we will soon be able to welcome you, your colleagues and students, to our campus again, and vice versa! We truly wish that the cooperation between us would be even stronger in the future.”Prof. CHEN Zhimin, Vice-Président Relations internationales, Fudan University

“[…] if there is anything we can do to help, please do not hesitate to let me know. My colleagues and I would be honored and proud to stand by our friends in this crisis.ParisTech is always one of our most important strategic partners and we are determined to build on the momentum already achieved. We strive to tackle the pandemic with you in a concerted manner, and I am confident a complete global victory is not far away under joint efforts.”Prof. LI Yuanyuan, Président, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

“During this difficult time, we stand in solidarity with you and wish you strength in coping with the epidemic. I hope that the COVID-19 virus can be contained soon so that the situation can get back to normal for all citizens.”Prof. CHEN Fadi, Président, Nanjing Agricultural University

“On behalf of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, apart from our sincere thanks again for your prayers and thoughts with us when we were facing the sudden outbreak, I would like to convey our solidarity to you and pass on our support for your entire university community at such a very difficult time. As we are all taking the responsibility to prevent disruption to students’ study by offering on-line courses, I believe that collaboration on innovative online education leading to the re-shaping and reforming of modern higher education would be out common goal to transform the current challenges into huge opportunities for advancement in academic practices.”Prof. LIN Zhongqin, Président, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

“[…] the epidemic is now spreading in France. I hope you, your family and all our friends at ParisTech will be safe and sound in these hard times. I believe that the hardship will soon be overcome as France, like China,is a nation that is proud of its wisdom and bravery. Please feel free to tell us if you think there is anything we can do to provide help.I’d also like to send my special gratitude to ParisTech Office in China, the schools of ParisTech as well as my SEU colleagues. Thanks to your consistent support and painstaking work, our cooperation has made lots of achievements in the past and can still go smoothly even in these hard times.”Prof. ZHANG Guangjun, Président, Southeast University

“The friendship between ParisTech and Tongji has been tested and fortified by our fruitful collaboration over the past 20 years. Thanks to our joint efforts, plenty of successful collaborative programs have been achieved. Tongji always cherishes the partnership with ParisTech, we’re convinced to develop it to a new height.”Prof. CHEN Jie, Président, Tongji University

“We know that ParisTech is an institution prioritizing health, welfare and safety of staff and students. So we believe you have taken steps to provide a solid framework of support for them and minimize the negative impact of the disease. We are confident that with your solidarity and resolution, you will ride out COVID-19 test. We look forward to working closely with you to take our collaboration to new height when the crisis is over.”Prof. DOU Xiangkang, Président, Wuhan University

“We appreciate the efficient effort that your member schools are putting into dealing with the outbreak and the impressive contributions that your faculty members are making. […] Faced with our common challenge, we believe university partnerships can become an important source of strength.”Prof. WU Zhaohui, Président,  Zhejiang University

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