
©Ziyi Wang

Publication date : 04/06/2024
International cooperation

Ziyi WANG, a Chinese student at AgroParisTech

Ziyi Wang got her bachelor at Wuhan University of Technology and was then selected by AgroParisTech in the ParisTech International Admission Program (9+9).

Could you introduce yourself ?

My name is Ziyi WANG. I’m from Wuhan University of Technology and my major is Pharmaceutical Engineering. Now I’m studying in AgroParistech.

How did you discover the engineering programs of ParisTech schools?

I knew the program of ParisTech from an article on WeChat.

Why was AgroParisTech attractive and why did you choose this school in the ParisTech network?

I chose AgroParisTech because it is the best engineering school of life science in France. I chose the schools of ParisTech considering the high reputation of ParisTech in France and its alumni.

What should the applicants pay attention to in the application process of the for the ParisTech International Admission Program (9+9)?

Regarding the application online, be sure to check several times if you’ve missed out some documents before the deadline of the application.

For the scientific test, I advise you to do the mock test, which will help you better manage your time in the real test.

Regarding the interview, for those who choose to do the interview in English, it’s important to prepare a self-introduction in French. During my interview, I was asked to introduce myself in French*, but I couldn’t but just say two phrases as I have not prepared it and I was nervous, which made the teachers interviewing me very unsatisfied.

How does your school help you towards the job market?

Every November, my school will organize a job forum and invite the best companies in the sector of agriculture, health, food and environment.

Could you describe your typical day at school?

We usually have theoretical courses in the morning, from 8:30 to 11:45, and practical courses and self-studying time are in the afternoon, from 13:30 to 16:45.

How is the student life at AgroParisTech?

We have a lot of students associations and I’ve participated in a trek asso and it will organize some treks to some places with good views in France. Every year, there is a skiing weekend on Alpes but the places are limited. There is also a integration weekend every year when new students can get a chance to travel with others students and make friends, and the price of the travel is low.

*During the interview, only applicants who say that they are learning French may have to answer some questions in French.

More information about the ParisTech International Admission Program in China


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