
©Ivy Sousa

Publication date : 13/05/2024
International cooperation

ParisTech Alumni : Meet Ivy Sousa, alumna from AgroParisTech

Ivy SOUSA (Brazil)

(UNICAMP / AgroParisTech), Director of Project Management Office at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami (USA)

Can you introduce yourself?

 I am Ivy Sousa, born and raised in Brazil. I started my bachelor’s degree in Food Engineering at University of Campinas, Brazil and I completed my degree at AgroParisTech Massy 2009-2011, with specialization in Quality and Risk Management. My current role is a Director of Project Management Office at Mount Sinai Medical Center at Miami Beach, Florida, United States. 

Could you introduce your career path? 

My first work experience aside from research projects at school in Brazil was my internship at Danone in France, where I worked at the Headquarter Quality in Operations department of the Water division of big brands such as Evian and Bonafont. I had the opportunity to interact with business unit leaders from 10+ countries and fell in love with quality management and process improvement in an international environment. I then moved to Miami, worked in Logistics for a few years, and then found a passion in process improvement in Healthcare. It is very common in the US to have industrial engineers working at hospitals, as we are data-driven problem solvers, which is key given the complexity of hospital operations and the importance to ensure patient safety and a positive experience. 

Why did you choose to study in a ParisTech school to become an engineer?

I have always dreamed of studying in France ever since I decided to pursue a Food Engineering degree. When I was in my 3rd year in college, I learned that my University had a partnership with ParisTech and I did not think twice on studying for the exam and applying for it. When I learned that ParisTech a group of engineering schools from different areas, I had no doubt I was going to get not only a good quality education but also an outstanding experience to meet other students from different backgrounds and have a great time studying abroad. 

Could you define in 3 words what is a ParisTech engineer?

Excellence, curiosity, network 

What was the added value of studying engineering at AgroParisTech?

AgroParisTech Massy provided me with a solid education in engineering, giving me the opportunity to develop my critical thinking and analytical skills. The school brings real-life scenarios to class, with opportunity to interact with industry experts and consultants in the field. It changed the way I looked at problems. It encouraged me to take a step back (prendre du recul) all the time and see problems from a higher level and how different parts are interconnected, instead of only focusing on the technical/textbook aspects. It certainly prepared me for the corporate world where we do not find textbook answers for the day-to-day problems we solve. 

What would you say to an international student who hesitates to come to a ParisTech school?

Do not think twice because studying abroad is one of the best experiences you can have in your life. You will learn so much not only in class but also culturally by having the opportunity to meet both French and international classmates, not to mention you will have the best opportunity to speak fluent French. Living in Paris made my experience even better. 

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