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Publication date : 04/09/2024
Life at ParisTech

Discover the RACINE training offer for the year 2024/2025!

The Racine ParisTech network is proud to present its new training catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. Organized around three main themes – the Skills-Based Approach (APC), Sustainable Development, Social and Environmental Responsibility (DDRSE) Issues, and Active Pedagogies – this catalog offers a total of 11 workshops, including 4 new creations from our expert trainers.


Zoom on 4 new workshops

1. Using Generative AI tools: sharing practices and perspectives for teaching and learning

Many teachers wonder about the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools in their teaching, as well as their use by students. This workshop will allow participants to discover how AGI tools can be used to facilitate certain tasks and to explore the educational and ethical implications of their use.

The workshop will include presentations from experts, sharing of practices and role-playing.

2. Let’s revisit our practices for evaluating student learning

The evaluation of learning is often a moment of questioning for teachers, particularly in the context of the skills-based approach.

This workshop will offer participants the opportunity to use the Néo game, designed to help rethink evaluation methods.

Theoretical contributions will enrich discussions and collective reflections.

3. How can I better integrate international students into my course?

With the increasing number of international students, our schools must cope with diverse and heterogeneous groups, which constitutes an asset but also a challenge for teaching and learning.

This workshop will draw on feedback from our schools to identify the issues related to the integration of international students into our training.

4. Inverting or flipping your class: keys to success

Inverted or flipped classroom teaching is gaining popularity in our engineering schools as an active teaching method. However, dissatisfaction persists among both teachers and students.

This workshop will be based on the analysis of concrete educational situations to identify the success factors and the difficulties encountered, thus offering avenues of action for the design and implementation of such systems.

A diverse and innovative catalog

The other workshops in the catalog are also designed to meet the specific needs of teachers and other members of the educational community of partner schools in the Racine ParisTech network, by providing them with practical tools and theoretical knowledge to improve their teaching practices. They are focused on active pedagogies, DDRSE issues or APC.

To discover our entire offering and register for the workshops, download the RACINE catalog!

As for registration, the Racine correspondents at your schools will send you links to the forms. You can also write to

Looking forward to discussing educational issues!

The Racine ParisTech team.


catalogue des formations racine paristech


 Download the RACINE catalog 2024/2025!






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