La semaine Athens
The spring session of the ATHENS* week took place between 14 and 21 March 2015.
Once again, this exchange programme was a great success.
ParisTech welcomed 213 foreign students from all over Europe, including Leuven, Milan, Prague, Delft and Munich. The students were welcomed in the Grand Amphi at MINES ParisTech on Saturday 14 March, with the help of volunteers from the welcoming team.
Union ParisTech students also contributed by organising a night-time walk on the Wednesday and a party on the Friday. These events were an opportunity to meet ParisTech students and create long-lasting relationships.
The cultural visits were also a great success (museums, guided walks and trips on bâteau-mouches).
The next ATHENS session will take place in autumn 2015.
* ATHENS is a scientific and cultural exchange programme established in 1997. It enables European students to take classes at ParisTech Écoles or at partner universities abroad and to take part in cultural activities.