
ATHENS General Assembly, Milan, June 2024

Publication date : 10/06/2024
International cooperation

ATHENS network meets in Milan

ATHENS’ General Assembly

The ATHENS network met in a general assembly in Milan, hosted by Politecnico di Milano. A good opportunity to reconnect, welcome newcomers and prepare the next ATHENS weeks.

The general assembly of the ATHENS network (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network) traditionally meets twice a year, first at a European partner in June and in Paris in December. The June meeting allows us to take stock of the week in March and prepare for the rest of the operations.

This year, Politecnico di Milano hosted the Spring General Assembly in the magnificent Aula magna. Traditional agenda with a look back at the week in March, the successes and the difficulties encountered. Once again the ATHENS week, in which 1156 students participated, played its role as a lever for international mobility. This was the first international mobility for more than 80% of the participants and it made 70% of them want to study abroad. The students were very satisfied with their week spent with one of the network's 15 European partners.

The number of Blended-Intensive Programs funded by the Erasmus+ program is increasing. Indeed, the ATHENS week is particularly suitable: teachers have transformed their ATHENS course into a BIP by adding a distance learning component which precedes or follows the week. However, all partners remain vigilant: the constraints imposed by Erasmus+ national agencies vary from one country to another; students seem more motivated by the funding than by the course itself.

As every year, the partners discussed improvements that could be made to the system, whether in the selection of candidates or the running of the ATHENS weeks. They confirmed the importance of socio-cultural activities with a European dimension (European Dimension Activities) and their compulsory nature while wanting to limit costs for students. Likewise, the network has decided to definitively switch to the system of grades corresponding to European credits (ECTS). Around the table, the partners also prepared the weeks of November 2024 and March 2025.

Staff mobility has also taken place in recent weeks. TU Delft in particular provided its testimony: the teacher uses this mobility to get closer to his counterparts in the host university and get to know them better in order to initiate scientific cooperation. The ATHENS week thus plays a new role as a lever for partners after an initial development in the field of research with the IDEAL project.

The articulation between ATHENS and European universities (EELISA, ENHANCE, etc.), of which several network partners are part, remains an important discussion point. ATHENS also wishes to promote its model of good practices at an upcoming EIAE conference in 2025.

A great road map for the next general coordinator of the network. Indeed, after six years of good and loyal service, Mines Paris – PSL, which coordinated the network on behalf of ParisTech, is handing over. Chimie ParisTech – PSL will take over in the Fall.

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