Date de publication : 29/03/2020
International cooperation
Life at ParisTech

Call for solidarity - ParisTech alumni

COVID-19: Support fund for ParisTech schools' students

ParisTech would like to support its students where the COVID-19 pandemia impacts their training. Therefore, ParisTech launches a donation campaign towards alumni and partner companies.


As of today, the COVID-19 pandemic affects nearly 200 countries around the world. Over two billion people are confined, all sectors are impacted.

More than ever, containment must be synonymous with solidarity, not isolation. ParisTech schools count more than 30% international students in their ranks. Many of them chose or have to stay in France. Some French students currently abroad, are sometimes unable to return.

Far from their families, often isolated, these students do not always have sufficient financial resources to face a prolonged crisis: university accommodation or restaurants can be closed, basic supplies can be hard to get, mobility is of course reduced, internships or training are sometimes stopped or postponed.

We are calling on ParisTech alumni’s and partner companies’ solidarity to support our engineering students and PhD candidates. Each donation counts, and will be used to help a ParisTech student through this crisis.

Your donations to the ParisTech student support fund are collected and managed by ParisTech Development, under the aegis of the ParisTech Foundation, recognized as of public interest.

As such, you benefit in France from tax advantages when you make a donation to ParisTech Développement.

You are a tax resident in France:

  • Income tax (IR): The sponsorship tax system allows the deduction of 66% of the amount of the donation from income tax, within the limit of 20% of taxable income (article 200 of the general tax code).
  • Property wealth tax (IFI, replacing the ISF): Article 31 of Law No. 2017-1837 of December 30, 2017 on finance for 2018 removed the solidarity wealth tax (ISF). It has been replaced by a new property wealth tax (IFI), which concerns people whose taxable net assets exceed the tax threshold of € 1,300,000. As for the old ISF, the person subject to this new tax can deduct from the amount of his IFI 75% of the payments made for the benefit of foundations recognized as being of public interest, within the overall annual limit of € 50,000 (i.e. a donation of 66.667 €).


Please return the completed donation form by email, so that we can register your donation:

Download the donator form

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